Eros Paintings by Dorothy Iannone - 1 Eros Paintings by Dorothy Iannone - Cover Eros Paintings by Dorothy Iannone - 3 Eros Paintings by Dorothy Iannone - 4

Eros Paintings

Dorothy Iannone


Eros Paintings is a collection of full erotic paintings by American artist Dorothy Iannone. Named after the Greek god of love, The work in the zine seeks to affirm sexual pleasure, experience, and erotic love, through both visual and integrated text elements.

Eros Paintings is a collection of full erotic paintings by American artist Dorothy Iannone. Named after the Greek god of love, The work in the zine seeks to affirm sexual pleasure, experience, and erotic love, through both visual and integrated text elements.
Published by Innen Zines
16.5 x 23.5 cm
20 pages
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