Trophy Lives by Philippa Snow - 1

Trophy Lives

Philippa Snow
Over Time by Alessandra Sanguinetti - Cover

Over Time

Alessandra Sanguinetti
The Parameters of Our Cage by C. Fausto Cabrera & Alec Soth - 3

The Parameters of Our Cage

C. Fausto Cabrera & Alec Soth
Through the Tinnitus by Kamwangi Njue - 4

Through the Tinnitus

Kamwangi Njue
Black Body Index by Andrew E. Colarusso - 5

Black Body Index

Andrew E. Colarusso
Sad Sack by Sophia Al-Maria - 6

Sad Sack

Sophia Al-Maria
Make Everything New – A Project on Communism by Editors: Gavin Everall, Gerrie van Noord, Grant Watson - 7
Out of Stock

Make Everything New – A Project on Communism

Editors: Gavin Everall, Gerrie van Noord, Grant Watson
Curious - 8


How to Build a Universe That Doesn't Fall Apart Two Days Later by Philip K. Dick - 9

How to Build a Universe That Doesn't Fall Apart Two Days Later

Philip K. Dick
Militant Media by Riccardo Badano/Tomas Percival/Susan Schuppli - 10
Out of Stock

Militant Media

Riccardo Badano/Tomas Percival/Susan Schuppli
Border Environments by Riccardo Badano/Tomas Percival/Susan Schuppli - 11

Border Environments

Riccardo Badano/Tomas Percival/Susan Schuppli
Pleasure Gardens: Blackouts and the Logic of Crisis in Kashmir by Bohdan Kryzhanovsky - 12

Pleasure Gardens: Blackouts and the Logic of Crisis in Kashmir

Bohdan Kryzhanovsky
Architecture After War: A Reader by Bohdan Kryzhanovsky - 13

Architecture After War: A Reader

Bohdan Kryzhanovsky
In The Clouds by Arvida Byström - 14
Out of Stock

In The Clouds

Arvida Byström
memesthetics by Valentina Tanni - 15
Out of Stock


Valentina Tanni
Hello Chaos, a Love Story: The Disorder of Seeing and Being Seen by Charlie Engman - 16
Out of Stock

Hello Chaos, a Love Story: The Disorder of Seeing and Being Seen

Charlie Engman
Anonymous Objects: Inscrutable Photographs and the Unknown by Kim Beil - 17

Anonymous Objects: Inscrutable Photographs and the Unknown

Kim Beil
Ray's a Laugh: A Reader by Edited by Liz Jobey - 18

Ray's a Laugh: A Reader

Edited by Liz Jobey
UNLICENSED: Bootlegging as Creative Practice by Ben Schwartz - 19
Out of Stock

UNLICENSED: Bootlegging as Creative Practice

Ben Schwartz
On Dreams, Symbols, and Imagination by Graciela Iturbide - 20
Out of Stock

On Dreams, Symbols, and Imagination

Graciela Iturbide