Violet Magazine 20 - 1

Violet #20


Violet Book issue 20. COVER SENT AT RANDOM.

“You're auditioning different facets of yourself to yourself, and then by the time you become 40, you're like, I know who I am.... ​​Read More

Violet Book issue 20. COVER SENT AT RANDOM.

“You're auditioning different facets of yourself to yourself, and then by the time you become 40, you're like, I know who I am. I'm not auditioning parts of myself for myself anymore. I know what the nadir of me is"


Violet is a fashion magazine founded by Leith Clark and is an on-going dialogue between iconic women and notables of fashion, cinema and art.

22 x 29 cm
328 pages
Winter 2023
cover sent at random
Out of Stock
Violet is a fashion magazine founded by Leith Clark and is an on-going dialogue between iconic women and notables of fashion, cinema and art.