Herdes Magazine 13 - 1

Herdes #13

The Moon Issue


The Moon, that mysterious spherical object that we see when the Sun goes down, that seems indifferent and minuscule to us from Earth, but which in reality is an enormous body that revolves around us and still hides unsolved mysteries.

As many as civilizations have evolved and... ​​Read More

The Moon, that mysterious spherical object that we see when the Sun goes down, that seems indifferent and minuscule to us from Earth, but which in reality is an enormous body that revolves around us and still hides unsolved mysteries.

As many as civilizations have evolved and acquired scientific and technological knowledge that has enabled them to reach its surface, myths and mysteries continue to emerge in the form of traditions, magic and superstitions.

The moon is much more than just a satellite. So when Neil Armstrong famously said: "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind", he knew what he was talking about. He had reached the very heart where the human soul has so often taken refuge.


is a biannual fashion and travel publication launched in 2016 and present in 15 countries, that has become an inspirational media for a creative, nomadic and style-leading generation.

24 x31 cm
242 pages
Winter 2023
ISSN 2462-5566
In Stock

is a biannual fashion and travel publication launched in 2016 and present in 15 countries, that has become an inspirational media for a creative, nomadic and style-leading generation.