From South Korea by Counter-Print - 1

From South Korea


£8.00 £12.50

A celebration of creativity from South Korea, compiled and published by Counter-Print. Featuring 19 design companies & their work including: Studio Fnt, Bohuy Kim, Hong Eunjoo and Kim Hyungjae, Son Ayong, Na Kim, Pa-i-ka, Corners Studio, Ordinary People, Shin Dokho, Sulki and Min, Bowyer, Jin & Park, Triangle, CFC, Everyday... ​​Read More

A celebration of creativity from South Korea, compiled and published by Counter-Print. Featuring 19 design companies & their work including: Studio Fnt, Bohuy Kim, Hong Eunjoo and Kim Hyungjae, Son Ayong, Na Kim, Pa-i-ka, Corners Studio, Ordinary People, Shin Dokho, Sulki and Min, Bowyer, Jin & Park, Triangle, CFC, Everyday Practice, Hezin O, DDBBMM, Jaehoon Choi and 6699press.

Published by Counter-Print
Design by Jon Dowling & Celine Leterme
17 x 22.3 cm
168 pages
ISBN 978-1-8381865-2-4
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