Fraulein Magazine 34 - 1

Fraulein #34



Fräulein Issue 34:

How do we want to live in the future? How do we want to treat our environment, and thus also ourselves? It seems we are at a crossroads and time is running out. Action must be taken now. Yet, with this, we need to ask ourselves how this... ​​Read More

Fräulein Issue 34:

How do we want to live in the future? How do we want to treat our environment, and thus also ourselves? It seems we are at a crossroads and time is running out. Action must be taken now. Yet, with this, we need to ask ourselves how this can be done. That's why the upcoming issue of Fräulein will be dedicated to the topic of NATURE. We want to find out how sustainable forms of living together are possible. What the role of the individual and the task of the collective is. How to discuss issues of mindfulness and sustainability without imposing prohibitions and behaviors. And what role nature plays in this. How we can return to it in a healthy measure. Because if there's one thing we've just learned in recent years, it's that we need nature more than ever.

cover sent at random.

21 x 28 cm
192 pages
Winter 2023
cover sent at random
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