We design for life, death and posterity, all together - while understanding who and/or what is permissible to kill or let die. We try to understand why water is a false dragon and how it gives and takes life. We are encouraged to do some push-ups. We rearrange things made... Read More
We design for life, death and posterity, all together - while understanding who and/or what is permissible to kill or let die. We try to understand why water is a false dragon and how it gives and takes life. We are encouraged to do some push-ups. We rearrange things made of more things, we steal them and we question their economic value, trying to make sense of it in the process. We dance Kumbia and listen to the earth with the people who work under and on it.
VISIONS BY is a knowledge platform with an annual magazine that addresses the different perspectives on materiality and material cultures from a critical and speculative research focus. It aims at generating awareness through materials beyond their physical properties and at considering materials as a new entitled discipline emerging from a design context.