Jamie Gibbons
An exploration of how memories change and fade over time, and how we often mis-remember or clash multiple memories together in our minds, and that, ultimately, our memories are not really as good as we think they are.
In blurring, obscuring and collaging these images their meaning begins to warp &... Read More
An exploration of how memories change and fade over time, and how we often mis-remember or clash multiple memories together in our minds, and that, ultimately, our memories are not really as good as we think they are.
In blurring, obscuring and collaging these images their meaning begins to warp & fade as well. "I am interested in making these images to see if anyone who looks at them is reminded of a place or scene in their memory, how faithful to reality that image is in their mind’s eye.
I made this zine in response to watching my grandmother’s memory fade as she battles Dementia. It’s called ‘Hiberniality’ as Hibernia is an old name the Roman’s gave for Ireland, where I am from and where the majority of the photos in the zine were taken."