Formal Mourning
Sam Hutchinson
“I will cure the world. Blair’s astonishing mission statement: From Afghanistan to Rwanda, Israel to Northern Ireland, The Congo to global warming,
the starving, the wretched, the dispossessed, the ignorant, those living in
want and squalor.. we can sort it all out’ (verbatim)
Excerpt from ‘The Mirror,’ Wednesday October 3rd 2001
Formal... Read More
“I will cure the world. Blair’s astonishing mission statement: From Afghanistan to Rwanda, Israel to Northern Ireland, The Congo to global warming,
the starving, the wretched, the dispossessed, the ignorant, those living in
want and squalor.. we can sort it all out’ (verbatim)
Excerpt from ‘The Mirror,’ Wednesday October 3rd 2001
Formal Mourning is Sam Hutchinson’s first publication of a larger research project looking
at how images have been used to illustrate large scale political events of
the past 20+ years, and features images appropriated from archival tabloid
and broadsheet newspapers from the British mainstream press between
1999 and 2021. Each edition was selected for its front-page depictions of
significant historical events, as well as the press representation of collective public emotion and media bias throughout these periods. In particular,
events which changed elements of society and widespread public opinion