Back-To-Back by Ricky Adam - 1 Back-To-Back by Ricky Adam - Cover Back-To-Back by Ricky Adam - 3 Back-To-Back by Ricky Adam - 4 Back-To-Back by Ricky Adam - 5 Back-To-Back by Ricky Adam - 6 Back-To-Back by Ricky Adam - 7 Back-To-Back by Ricky Adam - 8 Back-To-Back by Ricky Adam - 9


Ricky Adam


Back-To-Back is a series of photographs from the terraces of Leeds - 2006-2024.The photos, taken by Ricky Adam, are the result of years of going round the houses (quite literally), all over Leeds, in all manner of weather, taking snapshots in and around the red brick terrace houses that surround... ​​Read More

Back-To-Back is a series of photographs from the terraces of Leeds - 2006-2024.The photos, taken by Ricky Adam, are the result of years of going round the houses (quite literally), all over Leeds, in all manner of weather, taking snapshots in and around the red brick terrace houses that surround the city like a giant donut made from red bricks.

Published by: Audit / This is Ours

With support from British Culture Archive.

Published by Audit
144 pages
March 2025
ISBN 978-1-3999882-7-8