A Spell Too Far
Lina Sun Park & David Brandon Geeting
A Spell Too Far is a collection of works by Lina Sun Park & David Brandon Geeting, made during 2020 and 2021. The title describes the world beyond a magic spell gone awry. Things are a little peculiar, like that of an odd dream. Familiar characters, but not quite.
A Spell Too Far is a collection of works by Lina Sun Park & David Brandon Geeting, made during 2020 and 2021. The title describes the world beyond a magic spell gone awry. Things are a little peculiar, like that of an odd dream. Familiar characters, but not quite.
Published by Same Paper
21 x 27.2 cm
64 pages
Open spine with silk screened PVC cover.
10-colour offset printing,
4 different paper stocks.
10-colour offset printing,
4 different paper stocks.
1st Edition, 500 copies
ISBN 978-9-8875196-2-1
Out of Stock