Mörel Books

is a London based non-profit publisher specialising in limited edition Photo and Art Books. They view the book as the final step in an artists process, and encourage the artist to engage in the conception, design and feel of the book.

Afropean: A Journal (SIGNED) by Johny Pitts - 1

Afropean: A Journal (SIGNED)

Johny Pitts
Cheki (Good Girl Edition) by Hideka Tonomura - Cover

Cheki (Good Girl Edition)

Hideka Tonomura
Långt fårn Stockholm (Far From Stockholm) by JH Engstrom - 3

Långt fårn Stockholm (Far From Stockholm)

JH Engstrom
Everything Goes Dark A Little Further Down by Matthieu Croizier  - 4

Everything Goes Dark A Little Further Down

Matthieu Croizier
Automated Photography - 5

Automated Photography

Boris Mikhailov 1965-2022 by Boris Mikhailov - 6
Out of Stock

Boris Mikhailov 1965-2022

Boris Mikhailov
How Was Your Dream? by Thaddé Comar - 7

How Was Your Dream?

Thaddé Comar
Another Love Story by Karla Hiraldo Voleau - 8

Another Love Story

Karla Hiraldo Voleau
Polaroids by David Armstrong - 9


David Armstrong
Moonmilk by Ryan McGinley - 10
Out of Stock


Ryan McGinley
CTY by Antony Cairns - 11


Antony Cairns