Demo Version is Way Better, an Exhibition from Jake Kent and Dudley Dream Walsh
Published on Mar 08, 2024
Their collaboration began in 2011. Over this time they have played together in bands, curated exhibitions, organized a tattoo circus raising money for the Anarchist Black Cross Prisoner Support, continuously worked on artworks together and more recently poems. In the last 3 years their collaboration has intensified in an attempt to give up individualism without losing autonomy. The end goal: a regional Anarcho-Syndicalist income sharing, multi generation, anti-fascist art factory commune.
New ideas don’t come from institutions or galleries, they come from mosh pits, dance floors and politically contentious land. They belong to no one, only the land and the air. New ideas pop out of the ground and into our heads and give us life. We sharpen them, then write them down. We try to live by them and try to turn them into ethereal weapons against the r***. A new survival is coming- the old slogans and individualism are dead.
The exhibition will also see the launch of their first collaborative publication: The Project of Mandatory Individualisation can Never be Completed - with photographs, drawings, poems and a text by Hesse K.